Day 19: Sickness and Strength

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Chakra: Solar Plexus Meridians: Liver Emotions: Sickness and Strength When my first teacher, a Shinto priest named Hideo Izumoto, was asked how often was sickness a cause of negative energy. He pondered for a minute and responded, "100%" in his cute Japanese accent. Since I first heard that idea, I've found many modalities claiming to […]

Week 3 Zoom Call

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Let's come together in week 3 to connect, chat, ask questions and share how the program is going!

Day 20: Death and Immortality

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Chakra: Heart Meridians: Heart, Conception Vessel Emotions: Death and Immortality It is not uncommon for someone who has fallen into a deep depression to contemplate Death. Hopelessness, emptiness and self-doubt can drive us into no longer wanting to live this life, and ending our incarnation may seem like the only solution. We balance this feeling […]

Day 21: Frustration and Peace

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Chakra: Heart Meridians: Heart, Conception Vessel Emotions: Frustration and Peace The emotion of Frustration can likely go without explanation. We have all been there. Being inconvenienced, being made wrong by others, being delayed, anything to hinder our journey can typically bring up feelings of frustration. It feels like a blockade on our path, or a […]