A lil’ bit about me

After committing to learn the ancient techniques of Sanskrit chanting, my teachers gave me the Sanskrit name Rani (pronounced Ronnie). The name means Queen.

As with all the other students who were given a name, I embrace the meaning as something to aspire to; a part of me that I intend to cultivate the qualities of. To me, a Queen is regal, responsible, and generous… Although I hope that this modern Queen is still allowed to be a little funky, because my inner Self wouldn’t have it any other way.

My purpose for this site is to share meditations, stories I’ve heard from spiritual teachers along the way, transformational programs, lessons I’ve learned on my path, and eventually the gift of bodywork.

I have worked as a professional in the Supply Chain industry for over 10 years, and I’ve spent the last 6 years studying yoga philosophy, the procedures of Sanskrit chanting, the psychology and neurology of meditation, and energetic body work. The corporate world made me logical and skeptical, and the spiritual world burst me open to realities I never could have imagined.

You can learn more about my journey here... and there is more to come because this adventure ain’t over!